Company Profile

Incorporated in 2011, Jumbo Nuts Limited is a food processing business situated in Kamiu, Embu County in Eastern region of Kenya.

The Company aims at impacting the local community in the cultivation and marketing of macadamia nuts for economic wellbeing of local farmers and to satisfy our customers by providing them with a high-quality product. 

Another key goal of the Company is creating employment opportunities for the youth as well as giving them an environment for developing skills and aptitudes that consequently grow them into responsible and productive members of the society. 

The Company mostly employs unskilled labour and largely develops employees through on-job training and apprenticeship. That notwithstanding we recognize that getting good grades at both primary and secondary school levels is a key factor in curbing this vicious cycle and thus we offer relevant support within the scope of our corporate social responsibility.

Although we are an equal opportunity employer, we embrace affirmative action in order to achieve our goals.

Yes, we care about the youth, we develop them, and together we deliver the best quality product to our customers.

Our Values