Macadamia nuts are a rich source of energy and are packed with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that are essential for optimum health and wellness. It is regarded as a healthy nut because it does not contain any trans fats and cholesterol.

Macadamia oil is known as one of the most versatile and rich oils and is classified as one of the healthy oils since it comprises of up to 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids.

Average Nutrient Composition of Raw Macadamia Nuts Per 100g:

 Nutrient  Per 100g
 Energy  720 kcal
 Protein  8 g
 Total fats  76 g
 Saturated fats  12 g
 Monounsaturated fats  59 g
 Polyunsaturated fats  1.50 g
 Linoleic acid (18.2)  1.30 g
 Linoleic acid (18.3)  0.20 g
 Cholesterol  0
 Carbohydrate  13 g
 – Sugars  4.5 g
 – Starch  1 g
 Fibre  8 g
 Vitamins:  Per 100g
 Vitanim C  0.70 mg
 Thiamin (B1)  0.71 mg
 Ribovlavin (B2)  0.09 mg
 Niacin  2.27 mg
 Patothenic acid  0.06 mg
 Vitamin B6  0.36 mg
 Folate  10 µg
 Vitanim B12  0
 Vitamin A  0
 a-Tocopherol  5.57 mg
 Total Phytosterols  Per 100g
 Stigmastrol  0
 Campesterol  7 mg
 β-Sitosterol  107 mg
 Minerals:  Per 100g
 Calcium  70 mg
 Iron  2.65 mg
 Magnesium  118 mg
 Phosphorous  198 mg
 Potassium  363 m
 Salt  0 mg
 Sodium  4 mg
 Trace Elements:  Per 100g
 Zinc  1.29 mg
 Copper  0.57 mg
 Manganese  3.04 mg
 Selenium  3.60 mg